Monday, August 13, 2007

Soft Shoe

So yeah,
Drew tied his shoes all by himself on August 10th. He has been able to tie his shoes for a long time now, but it always took someone sitting there to encourage him to keep going. This time he did it with out any help, and he got a really nice tight knot. He only owns one pair of shoes with laces, and he doesn't wear them all that often. But it's a good skill to have anyway.
(Written by Jeff Frazee)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bible story

This is Jeff writing.
Last night I was reading the story of Cain and Able to Drew. When it was done Drew said, "I wonder why God did that."
"Did what?" I asked.
He replied, "Why He let Cain live a long time."
"Instead of what?"
"Instead of giving him a short life like Able."
I told him that I didn't know, but I thought, "If you can ask those kind of questions and still love and trust God, our Father, you're half way there."
I am so excited for Drew to become less and less my son and more and more my brother, a child of the King.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Making a chair

I painted a chair, and today I am going to paint another chair and help make that one too. I also helped with the lawn yesterday and rolled it out. And nothing else, that's it.