Drew is at that great age where he's is totally in love with Christmas. He's all about presents, and even though he would probably say, 'No,' if you asked him if Santa was real he still puts out cookies and milk with the truest of expectations. Drew is a believer. I think that's a word that describes both his spirit and his personality. He's a believer.
We have always seen Drew as tender-hearted though he constantly surprises us with his independence and self-assuredness. He will have to make the most dramatic transition of all of us as we move to France. Right now he can read, he can ask the waiter for salt, he can interact with kids at the playground, but as soon as we move to France he's back to square one. He is very aware of all this, and he says he's up for the challenge.
Pray that Drew would continue to enjoy his school and stay focused on it though so much is changing around him.
Pray the Drew would be able to begin to assimilate French as we practice it at home.
And pray that Drew would be surrounded by godly men that would be examples for him and instruct him in obedience to God.