Monday, October 27, 2008

Where in the World?

Drew and I were cleaning the kitchen, and I asked him, "There are thousands of cities in Mali. So how should we decide which city to go to?"
Drew was thoughtful... He always is. And he said, "We should find out where there's a lot of people who don't know about Jesus."
I think he's right, and that's primarily what's on my mind right now as I think about where to take our family.
I asked Joe the same question this morning. Check out his blog.
(Written by Jeff)


Janou said...

Drew, You are so precious to Papa and me. We love how much you care about wanting other people in Africa to know about Jesus like you do.
Hope school is going well for you.
We can't wait to see you in a few weeks! We are planning on having lots of fun together! With love from Janou and Papa

Christine H. said...

You're too big for your britches, little man!