Sunday, June 7, 2009

October 2004

This picture is from June 6, 2009

In October of 2004 Drew spent a week with Lulu and Pappy. He had just turned four years old. There was a missionary family staying here at the same time. Drew was as thick as thieves with their daughter who was the same age. This is a conversation Drew had with Lulu.

I'm going to make a boat to take to the sea.
I'm going to fly to where Isabelle is and build a boat for her.
I will row and row and row.
I will get some rope. (When asked "What for?")
To tie our boats together.

That boy is sweet through and through. I bet he'll be a romantic young man, but he will tell his mom about it, not me.


heidibelle said...

Good job documenting stuff babe... that makes up for all the stuff I forget to scrapbook.

Jeff Frazee said...

You top me 100 X's over on what a great job you do of remembering all the first teeth, steps, Christmases and all that stuff. Love you.

Christine H. said...

So has it come to this--communicating with each other via blog comments? : )

Great pic--he looks so grown up!

I remember when he had plans to sail away to see her. I though ti was so cute back then, still is!

Christine H. said...

How are Harley's sores?